Khanij Bidesh India Ltd. (KABIL) a new venture with combined ownership (in ratio of 40:30:30) of NALCO, HCL and Mineral Exploration Co Ltd . It is set up with the objective to ensure a consistent supply of critical and strategic minerals to Indian domestic market. While KABIL would ensure mineral security of the Nation, it would also help in realizing the overall objective of import substitution.
Industries like Aviation, Defence and Space Research also require minerals with lower weight and high mechanical strength. Among such twelve minerals identified as strategic minerals, which have meagre resource base, Lithium Cobalt are significant.
The KABIL would carry out identification, acquisition, exploration, development, mining and processing of strategic minerals overseas for commercial use and meeting country’s requirement of these minerals. The sourcing of these minerals or metals is to done by creating trading opportunities, G2G collaborations with the producing countries or strategic acquisitions or investments in the exploration and mining assets of these minerals in the source countries.
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