India has a history of copper usage from copper age. But for the last 3 decades, it was only Hindustan Copper Ltd, producing 3% of world copper in India. Now, we have 3 companies viz. Hindustan Copper, Sterlite Industries, Hindalco produce copper making India a net exporter from importer few years back.
In India, copper usage stems from 30% for cable for telecom and 26% for power equipment. Automobile Sector also consumes copper around 11%.
Sterlite Industries Ltd, purchased the United States’ third largest copper producer, Asarco, for $2.6 billion. This kind of business move has helped not only to further cultivate India’s global presence in the copper industry, but has also help in the growth of the country’s domestic copper industry.

Adani Enterprises Ltd is planning to set up a copper refinery in Siracha and Navinal in Mundra Taluk in Kutch ...
List of All Copper Manufacturers in India

Company Name: Cosmos Conductors Pvt Ltd OldName: Group : Address: Corp Office No.39/A, KIADB Industrial Area, Sathyamangala, Tumkur, City: Satyamangala ...

Company Name: Indo Asia Copper Ltd OldName: Group : Address: Corp Office Hasubhai Center, 6th Floor Opp Town Hall, Ellisbridge ...

Company Name: JMW India Pvt Ltd OldName: Group : Address: Corp Office C498,First Floor, Road No. 71,Yojna Vihar City: New ...

Company Name: KBS Industries Ltd OldName: Group : Address: Corp Office 609, B- Wing, Express Zone, Malad (East), Off Western ...

Company Name: Kopmelt Extrusions Pvt Ltd OldName: Group : Address: Corp Office No.4A/2, KIADB Industrial Area, Sathyamangala, Tumkur, City: Satyamangala ...

Company Name: Mercure Metals And Alloys Pvt Ltd OldName: Group : MTC Group Address: Corp Office 306, A Wing, Vertex ...

Company Name: Mittal Appliances Ltd OldName: Group : Address: Corp Office 303, Apollo Trade Centre, Geeta Bhavan Square, A.B. Road, ...

Company Name: Rajhans Metals OldName: Group : Address: Corp Office 3985 GIDC Phase III, Dared City: Jamnagar 361008 Jamnagar Gujarat ...

Company Name: Rajputana Industries Pvt Ltd OldName: Group : Address: Corp Office F-269 (B), Road No.13, V.K.I. Area, City: Jaipur ...

Company Name: Ram Ratna Wires Ltd OldName: Group : Address: Corp Office Ram Ratna House, Oasis Complex,Pandurang Budhkar Marg, City: ...