Orissa Metaliks Pvt Ltd

Company Name:Orissa Metaliks Pvt Ltd
Group :Rashmi Cement Group
Address:Corp Office
1, Grastin Place, Orbit House,
3rd Floor,
City:Kolkatta 700001 West Bengal
Tel:033-2243 8518-21/9836874499 /9437315923
Fax:0 33-2243 8517
Mktg-Email :anilmohta@rashmigroup.com
HR-Email :kp.mohanty@rashmigroup.com
Purchase-Email :
Brands Owned :

About the Company :

Orissa Metaliks is planning to set up an integrated steel unit at Gokulpur village, Shyamraipur, in Midnapore district of West Bengal. The new steel unit will have a production capacity of 1.2 million tpa and will come up in over 310 acre and will include a blast furnace with a capacity of one million tpa, sinter of one million tpa, hot rolling mill of 0.6 million tpa, pellet plant with a capacity of 2.4 million tpa, and a captive power plant of 225 MW

Orissa Metaliks plans expansion programme at Gokulpur

Orissa Metaliks Ltd of Rashmi Group is planning to expand its steel plant in Gokulpur in Shyamraipur in Kharagput Tehsil ...
Sanjay Kumar Sahu– Dy. Manager
Pavan Singh– Asst. Manager
K.P. Mohanty– D.G.M. (Com)

Other Office Address

Plant Gokulpur , Shyamraipur Midnapore District Gokulpur 721439 Purab Medinipur West Bengal
Corp Office 1, Grastin Place, Orbit House, 3rd Floor, Kolkatta 700001 West Bengal 033-2243 8518-21/9836874499 /9437315923 0 33-2243 8517

Products & Services Offered
CokePelletizationDRI-Sponge Iron